3 Ways to Prepare for Spring
It’s been a long and cold winter but we’ve nearly made it to spring! Here at Poppies, spring means hope, joy, sunshine, ranunculus, tulips, and cherry blossoms!!! We’ve been counting down the days (literally) in anticipation of the season’s change, and we hope you have been counting down along with us as you’ve passed by the storefront over the last month. We’re all SO ready for spring… but are you actually ready for spring? Use these last few days and the following few tips to ring in spring like a pro.
Spring Cleaning
Refresh your wardrobe
Now that you’ve refreshed your rooms, it’s time to look behind the closet door. Dun dun dunnn! It’s been a long winter of black and grey. We can’t think of a better way to start off spring than with a new colour palette. Are you soft and subtle, bright and bold, or maybe even rich and regal? ;) Assess what you have and what you could live without to make space for new opportunities. Make this wardrobe update even more rewarding by trading in your clothes at Common Sort for store credit, or getting a few friends together for a clothing swap. Don’t you kind of miss those hand-me-downs you took for granted now? Whatever’s left over can be dropped off at a donation center to avoid contributing the 90% of textiles that end up in landfills each year. What an exciting thought to get to put those bulky sweaters back into the hard-to-reach bins and pull out those tiny tops and teeny shorts!
Check in on your plants
Spring is a time for growth – which means it is the perfect time to repot any plants that could use a little more room to breathe. For help making that transition, check out our last blog post (3 Repotting Tips). While you’re at it, you can also give our blog on cleaning your plants a read. Those leaves will definitely appreciate a good wipe down so they can take in all that extra sunshine. More sunshine might mean more watering! Keep an eye on your growing plants as they are going through these changes, it’s a confusing time for them, especially those early bloomers. You may need to adjust your watering schedule or move your plants into different locations around your house. Have a plant that’s seen better days? Maybe it’s time to let it go and get a replacement at Poppies. You can even treat yourself to some tulips as part of our weekend special during your visit!